
Germany and the European Union demonstrate their support to TVET at ATTC


On November 28th, 2017, the Accra Technical Training Centre (ATTC) in collaboration with the Ghana Skills Development Initiative (GSDI) organized a one-day programme to increase interest in Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) especially among Junior High School (JHS) pupils.

Germany and the European Union demonstrate their support to TVET at ATTC.
Ambassador Retzlaff while giving his speech at the event.© GIZ

On November 28th, 2017, the Accra Technical Training Centre (ATTC) in collaboration with the Ghana Skills Development Initiative (GSDI) organized a one-day programme to increase interest in Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) especially among Junior High School (JHS) pupils. On this occasion, the German Embassy donated twenty sets of furniture to equip the newly-revived garment department at the school. This department was renovated to mark the school’s 50th


The event which is placed under the theme ‘My future in my hands - Skills development at ATTC’ was organized as part of the school’s plan to set aside a day for students to go through demonstrational training to build their capacity in technical skills as part of the institute’s 50th Anniversary celebration. 200 pupils from 10 surrounding JHS attended the event and tried out practical training exercises in welding, garment, electronics and automotive. The aim of the event was to promote the image of TVET and to build up the interest of students in technical training.

H. E Christoph Retzlaff, the Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to Ghana, highlighted in his remark that the perception of TVET in Ghana still has to improve: “TVET is not just the second best option, but a reliable mainstay for your professional future”, he addressed the students. “The skills you acquire via TVET are highly demanded and will enable you to make a living”, the German Ambassador explained.

GSDI is a project commissioned by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development and implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH in cooperation with the Council for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (COTVET) and other public and private sector stakeholders. GSDI III started in April 2016 and is also co-funded by the European Union.

The project seeks to improve the quality of the traditional apprenticeship system in the informal sector to enhance skills and qualifications. Therefore, it supports the introduction of competency based training (CBT) standards and a collaborative training model. It combines workplace-based training and courses at selected TVET training providers

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