
Staatsangehörigkeitsausweis, © Ute Grabowsky / photothek.net
The German citizenship is acquired primarily based on descent from a German parent. Since 2000, it has also been possible to acquire citizenship if you were born in Germany to foreign parents. Here you find more information.
- General Information
- Acquisition through legitimate birth
- Acquisition through birth outside of marriage
- Acquisition of German citizenship for children born abroad whose German parents were born abroad after December 31, 1999
- Acquisition through adoption
- Acquisition through legitimation
- Acquisition at birth in Germany for children of foreign parents
- Acquisition through marriage of a foreigner and a German citizen
- Other reasons for Acquisition
- Consultation appointments on citizenship issues
All citizenship applications are processed by the Federal Office of Administration (BVA) in Cologne, which is responsible for citizenship concerns of people living abroad. The embassy is your local point of contact, and will forward your applications to the BVA.
The Federal Foreign Office has also listed many important questions and answers on the subject of German citizenship on their website. This will give you a good first impression.
General Information
The German nationality law is fundamentally based on the so-called descent principle. This means that German citizenship is acquired primarily based on descent from a German parent. Since 2000, it has also been possible to acquire citizenship if you were born in Germany to foreign parents.
There is also the possibility of acquiring it through declaration, naturalization, legitimation, acquisition or adoption.
Acquisition through legitimate birth
Children born in wedlock between January 1, 1914 and December 31, 1963 only acquired German citizenship through their German father.
Children born in wedlock to a German mother after January 1, 1964 and before December 31, 1974, acquired German citizenship if they would have become stateless otherwise.
Children born in wedlock since January 1, 1975 acquired citizenship if one of the two parents was German.
Children born in wedlock to a German mother after April 1, 1953 and before January 1, 1975, and who already had a citizenship, had the opportunity to make a declaration from January 1, 1975 that they wanted to receive German citizenship. This declaration period initially ended on December 31, 1977. Since August 20, 2021, these children and their descendants have once again the opportunity to submit a declaration to obtain German citizenship within 10 years. More information can be found here.
Acquisition through birth outside of marriage
Children born out of wedlock to a German mother, have received German citizenship through their mother since January 1, 1914.
Children born out of wedlock to a German father have acquired German citizenship since July 1, 1993, provided that, among other things, a valid recognition or determination of paternity takes place before the child turns 23.
These children may have the option of naturalization.
Acquisition of German citizenship for children born abroad whose German parents were born abroad after December 31, 1999
When born abroad, children whose German parents were born abroad after December 31, 1999, and who have their habitual residence abroad at the time of the child's birth do not acquire German citizenship through birth, if they acquire a foreign citizenship through birth.
Only if the parents submit an application for the child's birth to be registered in the birth register at the relevant registry office in Germany or at the relevant German diplomatic mission within one year of the child's birth will the child acquire German citizenship retroactively to the time of its birth. More information can be found here.
Acquisition through adoption
Since January 1, 1977, German citizenship could also have been acquired through adoption by a German parent. If you have any further questions, please contact the German Embassy.
For children who were adopted by a German parent between January 1, 1959 and December 31, 1976, there was the possibility of acquiring German citizenship by declaration until December 31, 1979.
Acquisition through legitimation
German citizenship could also have been acquired through legitimation from January 1, 1914 to June 30, 1998. Legitimacy is the subsequent marriage of the parents of a child born out of wedlock. The legitimation can also be provided by the child's declaration of marriage through a court. The acquisition of German citizenship is fundamentally based on the regulations applicable to children born in wedlock. Since July 1, 1998, the legal concept of legitimation no longer exists in German law.
Acquisition at birth in Germany for children of foreign parents
Since January 1, 2000, children of foreign parents, at least one of whom meets certain residency criteria, acquire German citizenship upon birth in Germany.
Acquisition through marriage of a foreigner and a German citizen
Foreign women who married a German automatically acquired German citizenship from January 1, 1914 to March 31, 1953.
Special regulations applied to foreign women who married a German citizen between April 1, 1953 and August 23, 1957.
If you married between August 24th, 1957 and December 31st, 1969, you had the option of acquiring German citizenship by declaration at the time of the marriage or afterwards.
Since January 1, 1970, marriage is no longer an automatic reason for acquiring German citizenship.
Other reasons for Acquisition
German citizenship can also be acquired through naturalization or conferment.
Consultation appointments on citizenship issues
If, after reading this information, you come to the conclusion that you have German citizenship, please contact us using our contact form or arrange a personal consultation by booking an appointment here.