
Certification, Verification and Translation


Certification of signatures

The fee is 56,43 €, payable in GHS at the current exchange rate. The contract in reference has to be presented to the consular officer. The documents have to be written in either German or English. You will be attended to from Monday to Thursday 8.30 am to 11 am, no appointment is necessary.

In the area of corporate law, it is also possible to have notarizations and certifications carried out directly by a German notary's office using an online procedure at https://online-verfahren.notar.de/ov/home.

Certification of photocopies

The fee is 22,92 € per certification, payable in GHS at the current exchange rate. You will be attended to from Monday to Thursday 8.30 am to 11 am, no appointment is necessary.

Certification of documents for study purposes

For the purpose of studying in the Federal Republic of Germany, the Embassy certifies copies of School Certificates free of charge.

You do not need an appointment to submit the documents for certification, but can come to the Consular Section on Tuesday and Thursday from 9.00 to 11.00am.

You are however required to have prior consultation with the DAAD Information Centre Accra for orientation on your study objectives. The DAAD would then issue you with a confirmation note to be presented at the Embassy.

Kind note that your documents would not be considered for certification without the confirmation note from the DAAD.

The certification process takes approx. five working days.

DAAD Information Centre Accra (https://www.daad-ghana.org/en/about-us/contact/)

Life Certificate for Insurance Matters

If you are entitled to a German pension payment from the statutory pension or statutory accident insurance, as well as additional pensions, you will be asked to provide proof of life (life certificate) once a year. This is done regularly together with the notification of adjustment to your pension amount. You find more information about the procedure here.

Recognition of Ghanaian, Sierra Leonean and Liberian Documents

The German Embassy has determined that the requirements for the legalization of public documents are not met for documents issued in Ghana, Sierra Leone and Liberia. Therefore, with the approval of the Foreign Office, legalization by the embassy was discontinued. You find more information on the topic here.

Translation of documents

The Embassy does not offer translation services and regrettably there are no certified German - English translators in Ghana.

The following list includes several translators - in alphabetical order - who are known to the Embassy. However the Embassy cannot assume responsibility for their Services.

The Embassy recommends asking the German authority handling your documents beforehand, whether they will accept their translation, due to the lack of certified translators.

Contact information
Mrs Victoria Antwi
German, English
P.O. Box: 1278, Kaneshie, Accra
Tel: 0277220530
Email: antwi.victoriayaa@yahoo.com
Mrs Benti Enchill
German, English
P.O. Box: 8404 Accra-North
Tel: 0209244449
Email: k4mbentsi@yahoo.com
Mrs Hagar Tennyson
German, English
P.O. Box: M 67 Accra
Tel: 0244708796
Email: hagartennyson@gmail.com

You may also find a recognized translation service in Germany using the Internet.

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