Project Visit of the German Ambassador to Ashanti and Brong Ahafo

Cashew-Farm and Processing Center in Mim, supported by the regional ComCashew Project, © German Embassy Accra
On 06 and 07/02/2018, Ambassador Christoph Retzlaff visited selected German Development Cooperation projects in different districts of the Ashanti and Brong Ahafo Region to assess their impacts and learn about their challenges.
The visit focused on vocational training and agricultural projects. He also attended the launch of an awareness-raising campaign against illegal Migration.
Market oriented agriculture:
In the „Asutifi Processing and Service Center“ in Hwidiem, Chilis and ginger farmers have the opportunity to sell and / or process their primary products on reliable terms and conditions. The centre collaborates with Newmont Ghana as part of the regional „Employment for Development“ (E4D) project. Thanks to the establishment of improved drying and storage facilities, the quality of the products have improved resulting therefore in higher purchasing prices. The „Asutifi Processing and Service Centre“ is also a proof of the interconnected approach to German development cooperation; Approaches and ideas from various projects are used to support the centre, for example the use of solar-powered water pumps or a modified balloon dryer for chilli and ginger. The Cashew-Farm in Mim, supported by the regional Com Cashew project, also highlighted the potential for proper storage and processing of primary products for an increased added value.
Fighting the causes of migration:
With regard to the high rural youth unemployment prevailing in the country, Brong Ahafo is one of the Ghanaian regions with the most people willing to migrate. As part of the BMZ's „Perspective Home“ programme, the German development cooperation in Ghana has supported the establishment of a Migration Advisory Centre, which was opened in Accra 2017 during the visit of Federal President Steinmeier, and is supporting awareness-raising campaigns in the communities on the risks of illegal migration. This campaign was launched together with the Ghanaian NGO „Sahara Hustlers“ and GIZ, on 6th February in Dadiesoaba in the presence of Ambassador Retzlaff for the Brong Ahafo region. The Dadiesoaba Methodist Basic School where the launch was held was recently renovated as part of the District Development Facility supported by KfW.
Vocational education:
At the end of the trip, Ambassador Retzlaff visited the vocational training institute OYSKA in Kumasi, which cooperates with the „Ghana Skills Development Initiative“ (GSDI). GSDI is a project of the German development cooperation, which is co-financed by the European Union and implemented by GIZ. On the Ghanaian side, the Inter-ministerial Training Council COTVET (Council for Technical and Vocational Training) is the project’s partner. The project is working to improve and standardize the traditional informal apprenticeship system and to introduce competency based training (CBT). OYSKA offers courses in the field of cosmetics and personal care (cosmetology), the apprentices are mostly young girls and women. Additionally, so-called Master Craftswomen are also trained in the institute according to standardized curricula, thereby making an important contribution to the formalization of vocational Training.