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Information on small scale projects within the framework of technical cooperation
Requirements for your application
Suitable projects can come from any sectors of poverty reduction, public health & sanitation improvement, income generation, basic education, vocational training, women empowerment, protection of the environment or else.
The project has to be completed within six months and before the end of the year.
Property rights (in case of rented buildings) have to be established.
The implementing organization must provide own financial means to contribute to the project and has to be in a position to finance all upcoming follow-up/ running costs for a period of at least 2 years.
Under German law it is not possible to finance a project which is co-sponsored by any other organization that already receives contributions from the German Federal Budget (e.g. European Union, United Nations etc.). Therefore, the project is an independent project, funded from its initial stage to final completion, which excludes any recurring commitment of the German Embassy.
Applications must be submitted to the German Embassy in hardcopy latest by 31st January 2025. The selection process takes place between February and April the same year.
incomplete applications (i.e. lacking detailed description of the project or lacking compulsory quotations etc.) or applications that are sent by e-mail cannot be taken into account.
Overhead costs (personnel, administrative, travel and other running costs, land purchase) of the implementing organization or the project itself cannot be supported.
Necessary Documents
Name of the implementing organization/institution/person(s) representing the beneficiaries Short and concise description of the project, if possible with full documentation and intended time of implementation
Objective of the project ∙ beneficiaries contribution
Statement on how the German contribution will be used
Justification of developmental benefit of the project
Explanation for sustainability of the project
Cost estimate(s) in Ghana Cedi accompanied by at least 3 competitive quotations/ pro-forma invoices for each item to be purchased /constructed from the grant.
Confirmation that the same application has not been submitted to a second party
Confirmation that no third party is involved in the proposed project
Confirmation that the proposed project has not been started
Important information
Applications received by E-Mail cannot be considered.
Eligible projects will usually be selected for promotion towards the end of the first quarter of the year, with regard to the focal areas of development cooperation like sustainability, feasibility and maximum benefit for dis-advantaged groups of society.
During the selection process project officers of the German Embassy will contact the implementing organization for a field visit. Please note that such field visits do not automatically result in sanctioning of the project proposal.
After a decision in favour of a project, an allocation agreement will have to be concluded and signed between the German Embassy and the implementing organization/NGO.
Disbursement of funds will not take place before major project contents have been realized. Furthermore, funds can only be released upon presentation of original invoices. Usually, the disbursement of funds follows partial payments and according to previously agreed milestones of implementation.
All operational costs have to be documented by conclusive receipts.
The implementation of the project should be completed within a period of six months or, at the latest, before the end of October of the current year.
It is compulsory that directly after the finalization of the project, the implementing organization is required to submit a final report of the project that includes a breakdown of expenses, in particular the use of funding with original invoices. Furthermore photos and a description of the impact on the beneficiaries are required.
When funding is granted, the German Embassy might choose the progressing or completed project for public relation purposes, for which the implementing organization provides the German Embassy with the full rights on public release of certain documents, such as the project description, information on the implementing organization, photos of the project or persons involved etc.