Sparkassenstiftung für internationale Kooperation (Saving Banks Foundation for International Cooperation - SBFIC)
Since 1992, Sparkassenstiftung is supporting financial institutions in developing, emerging and transition countries, which promote the economic and social development in their respective countries by offering needs-oriented services.

Since 1992, Sparkassenstiftung is supporting financial institutions in developing, emerging and transition countries, which promote the economic and social development in their respective countries by offering needs-oriented services. Sparkassenstiftung pursues the objective to enhance the professionalism of its partner, thus enabling them to offer their customers a permanent access to financial products.
In Ghana, Sparkassenstiftung is cooperating with the strong umbrella organization GHAMFIN (Ghana Microfinance Institution Network) and the seven individual associations of various groups of institutions since mid-2016. We achieve over 20,000 employees for activities in the field of vocational education and training in the microfinance sector.
Since mid-2010 Sparkassenstiftung advises the Ghana Co-operative Credit Union Association (CUA) in developing their Training Centre CUTraC. With tailored to Credit Unions educational services, conference facilities and hotel operations CUTraC makes cooperatives comprehensive and affordable training opportunities.
Website of Sparkassenstiftung
Source: Sparkassenstiftung für internationale Kooperation
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Ghana and Germany have enjoyed friendly and wide-ranging political relations since Ghana gained independence.