National Visa for Studies and Language Courses

Rund 450 Studierende aus fast einhundert Ländern nehmen am 27.03.2015 an der Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena beim Stipendiaten-Treffen des Deutschen Akademischen Austauschdienstes (DAAD) teil. Solche Treffen gibt es fünfmal jährlich in unterschiedlichen Städten, um neue Stipendiaten zu begrüßen und miteinander in Kontakt zu bringen. Sie studieren oder promovieren mindestens ein Jahr lang an einer Hochschule oder Forschungseinrichtung in Deutschland. Die Universität Jena ist im Jahr 2013 mit fast drei Millionen Euro vom DAAD gefördert worden. Damit konnte zum Beispiel 127 Deutschen ein Studienaufenthalt in einem anderen Land und 146 internationalen Gästen der Aufenthalt in Jena ermöglicht werden. Foto: Jan-Peter Kasper/FSU | Verwendung weltweit, © dpa-Zentralbild
Here you will find information on applying for a visa to study or to take part in a language course for a stay of 3 months or more in Germany
General Information
As a Ghanaian, Sierra Leonean or Liberian national, you generally need a visa to study in Germany. The visa entitles you to enter Germany and, if all the requirements are met, will be converted into a residence permit that corresponds to the purpose of your stay in Germany.
If you need basic general information or in-depth guidance about the types of long term visa for Germany as well as the surrounding process, then we recommend using our VISA NAVIGATOR first.
Here you will find information sheets for the following purposes:
· Visa for university studies (including doctoral studies)
· Visa for a language course
Foreign students who have been accepted by a German university (where applicable with a preparatory language course) or a preparatory college (Studienkolleg) can apply for a visa to study in Germany. You are advised to secure your admittance or acceptance from the university as early as possible.
Scheduling of an appointment
All applicants have to apply in person at the German Embassy. Appointments can only be booked through the Embassy’s online appointment system.
Applicants are encouraged to submit their visa applications well in advance of their intended travel date to allow sufficient time for processing.
Application forms
Please bring the application form and the additional declaration completely filled out to the visa office at your appointment.
Application procedure
The embassy can only process complete applications. Persons who cannot present all of the documents listed in our information sheets when applying to the visa office are advised to refrain from filing a visa application and to register again once their documents are complete.
Certificates, diplomas, etc. must be presented in the original. Your original documents will be returned to you once your application has been processed.
Please do not contact the mission abroad to check the status of your application during the normal processing period. Such inquiries are extremely time-consuming for the visa section and can thus not be answered.
If the visa is granted, it is your duty to verify whether the information printed on the visa sticker is correct and complete and to report any errors to the Embassy immediately. The embassy is not liable for financial damages caused by corrections not reported in a timely manner.