Marriage in Germany

Cartório de registo civil, © picture alliance / dpa
Marriage in Germany can only be concluded in front of a registrar. Religious ceremonies have no legal effect. The information listed below conveys general information only. For more detailed information, please contact the responsible registry office in Germany directly.
General Information
The spouses have to register their intended marriage orally or in writing at a registry office where either party has his or her residence. If neither of the spouses has their residence in Germany, the registry office before which the marriage is to be concluded is responsible for accepting the registration.
Required Dokuments
1. Identification document with photo (e.g. passport or identity card) - as a certified copy
2. Original birth certificate (date of issue not older than 6 months) or as a certified true copy showing the names of the parents. A translation of the certificate may be required. A baptismal certificate is not sufficient. If one of the fiancés has been naturalized, the naturalization certificate must be presented.
3. For widows: Death certificate or certified copy of the death certificate of the deceased spouse. A translation of the certificate may be required.
4. For divorced people: certified copy of the divorce decree together with the German translation by a certified translator. If the marriage was dissolved by a court outside of Germany, the judgment or decision may have to be recognized by the responsible state ministry of justice.
5. All persons who are not registered in Germany and who wish to get married in Germany need a “certificate of no impediment to marriage ” that proves that there are no legal obstacles to marriage. The responsible registry office will advise you on the details of the application.
If the registry office requires an affidavit of single status, this can be taken at the responsible German embassy.
If you and your future spouse intend to establish a joint place of residence in Germany, please note the requirements for applying for a visa, if applicable.